Friday, November 30, 2012

BLOG # 6

Climate Reparation for Zeitoun’s Detention

Hey I am Mahanaj Sultana. In this blog I am responding to an assignment in my ENG 101 class, do I feel that America Government owes Zeitoun for incarceration? Yes, I feel US Government should compensate to Zeitoun for considering as Al Qaeda in prison though he was not a terrorist during Katrina. Reparation is actually a proposal of compensation should be provided to victims by who creates the crisis. As we everyone knows from the history Jews received compensation for their losses during the Jewish Holocaust. Moreover, Blacks did not get reparations for slavery because many legal experts point to the fact that slavery was not illegal in the USA. Blacks and Jews were deprived their rights as a group of people but Zeitoun was detention because of his religion. During Katrina 2005, Zeitoun was captive illegally and soldier mentioned him as “Al Qaeda” during in Katrina (Eggers 212).That’s why Zeitoun asked by self, “When a crime is committed by a Christen, do they mention his religion (Eggers 37)? He actually did not evacuate himself and he devoted himself to save impoverished people lives when US Government disappeared during Katrina to navigate the abandon people in New Orleans  But being a Muslim, Zeitoun was accused of being a part of Al Qaeda by National Guardsmen and was arrested. Though they did not have any justified prove that he was a terrorist. It concludes that they judge somebody just by appearance. At that time, Government did not approve the NDAA which can arrest anyone to suspect as terrorist so  Zeitoun detention was really illegal. In climate debt argument, Lidy Napcil said, “We should be begging for but something that is owed to us, because we are dealing with a crisis not of our making” (klein 240).This statement gives a clear notification that who make a crisis , they should be give reparations for victim's damages.we can conclude that , why  Zeitoun faces the difficulties when he is not Al Qaeda. He is a general Muslim person who just wants to help his Neighbors who were not Muslim. If we see the history then we can see that Al-Qaeda acts served only the US foreign policy. Hillary Clinton said “the people who are fighting today against Al-Qaeda, we were funded them 20 years before” (Hillary Clinton). The roots Al Qaeda was started in 1979 at Afghanistan by a particular group of Muslim people who fought with the Soviet Union because US government created and funded Al-Qaeda in order to fight the Soviet Union to getting the power of control Asia. Al Qaeda is multipurpose fighters who are being used efficiently by the US government.At end of story  who creates Al Qaeda, she will be pay the compensation. Then why today Zeitoun and other Muslim people are recognized as a terrorist regarding their above suspicion. For this reason,US Government, "climate debt" to the Zeitoun for their mistake to call him Al Qaeda and to give him undefined  mental torture.In addition, debt is not a charity it is the right of Zeitoun and his family.

1) Hilary Clinton: who created Al Qaeda? [Accessed on 11/30/12]      
2) The book of Zeitoun by Dave Eggers
3) The Climate Rage by Naomi Klein  from book of "The Global warming Reader " by Bill Mc kibben

1 comment:

  1. Mahanaj, Dennis, Rashad

    Keyword: Saturation

    A coral reefs life is dependent on its level of saturation in algae. This algae gives it the very diverse and rich coloring so needless to say its very important to the reefs. As the ocean absorbs more and more Co2,the water temperature rises. this in turn causes coral reefs to excrete algae which in turn make the corals themselves appear white. This lowers the saturation levels in the coral reef, and causes 'bleaching'. The saturation levels are determines by a complex formula scientist developed. It involves multiplying the calcium and carbonate ion concentrations and dividing it by stoichiometric solubility. While this is all informative and enlightening, how do we know for a fact that these figures and formulas are even real? Who's to say these terms hold any relativity to coral reefs saturation or the expulsion of algae. What if there's a another reason why the algae is being released other then the heating of sea water, which isn't affected by Co2. Even Elizabeth Kolbert mentions that "no one is quite sure" (390).
