Sunday, December 16, 2012

Last Blog: Lower Ninth Ward

Hi everyone I am Mahanaj Sultana. Today I am going to describe the after Katrina situation of lower 9th stand which is based on you tube video under “Hurricane Katrina: The Drive: New Orleans Lower 9th Ward” title and this video is prepare by tom Ryan and mitt wisdom. As we all know that After Hurricanes Katrina, the majority parts of New Orleans faced lots of damage, but the city's Lower Ninth Ward was hit hard. There is no word to explain the cost of this devastation. Director of this video said the only way to truly understand their actual situation people have to be there, not only that according to this video they mention “Blocks after blocks miles after miles in lower nine wards the devastation never appears to end”.  According to their statistic lower 9th stand population is 14,008 among them 98.3% people are African American,60 death bodies were found,  just 59% of them owned a house and majority of them are poor .


On that situation where government should stand with them but basically government do nothing. People feel ignorance from government side. Majority of them couldn’t leave the city when hurricane Katrina was about to hit because of lack of money, lack of transportation system and due to government awareness. For an example some of lower 9th stand people were not informed that Katrina was going to hit and the government announced an compulsory departure just a day before.  Among the Lower nine stand people many of them didn’t have personal vehicles neither government provide any transportation system which is helps them to move out from this place. Some of lower 9th stand resident just didn’t want to leave their houses in this case government fail to create awareness among them. As we all know that they are poor so they can aspect more attention from government but reality is different. As a result they faced most dangerous natural devastation. According to you tube video a women stated that “Katrina do not do all of these, government helping other countries people but they do nothing to help the people of USA”. This statement shows that how much spreads disappoint a New Orleans people due to act of government. But New Orleans are lucky in one case because had some really kind and brave neighbours. They are some people who stayed there to help other. Among them Pryor and Knight were two resident who worked together and helped people. So it proves that if we can work together we can reduce our losses. Lower 9th stand people still suffering various problems so I believe that if we can start working together then again we can make a better place for them. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Blog # Group Work

                                              Coral Reefs and  Rising Co2 

  A coral reefs life is dependent on its level of saturation in algae. This algae gives it the very diverse and rich coloring so needless to say its very important to the reefs. As the ocean absorbs more and more Co2,the water temperature rises. this in turn causes coral reefs to excrete  algae which in turn make the corals themselves appear white. This lowers the saturation levels in the coral reef, and causes 'bleaching'. The saturation levels are determines by a complex formula scientist developed. It involves multiplying the calcium and carbonate ion concentrations and dividing it by stoichiometric solubility. While this is all informative and enlightening, how do we know for a fact that these figures and formulas are even real? Who's to say these terms hold any relativity to coral reefs saturation or the expulsion of algae. What if there's a another reason why the algae is being released other then the heating of sea water, which isn't affected by Co2. Even Elizabeth Kolbert mentions that "no one is quite sure" (390).